78-year-old female, nonsmoker who comes in with persistent flu-like symptoms, left pleural effusion with pleural nodules. She underwent an outpatient pleuroscopy, pleural biopsies and tunneled pleural catheter placement.
Microscopic Description of Specimen: Pleura biopsy shows tumor that is composed of glandular structures with papillary formation. There is invasion of stroma with desmoplastic reaction. Mucicarmine stain is positive. The tumor cells are positive for immunoperoxidase staining for CK7, MOC-31, Napsin A, TTF-1 and CEA, and are negative for CK20, CK5/6, BRST-2, GATA-3, PAX-8, calretinin and WT1. The morphology and the staining pattern are consistent with a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of lung primary.